Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Songbook out now - and concert in Stavanger

Now, all waiting has an end - the songbook we announced earlier (and you demanded again and again) is out now in Norway. It is called "That Great October Songbook" and contains all the lyrics, melodies and chords for each and every song from Thomas Dybdahl's first three albums. It is beautifully packaged in a special hardcover design and includes previously unreleased photographs from the 2002-2005 period.
The book is available for NOK 299 at any bookstore in Norway (and their online shops). Infos for foreign buyers coming soon.

To celebrate the release, Thomas and his band will play live in Stavanger at Stavangeren on Nov 25th at 20.00. Ticketsale at has just started, so hurry ;).