Hope this little entry finds you all well, just enjoying the lovely smells and sounds that follow the torrential rainfalls in Singapore during the rainy season. I am here, just writing, relaxing and preparing for what seems to become a pretty hectic year.
As soon as I get back home to Stavanger, in Norway, I will start mixing my next record with co-producer Morten J. Olsen and mixer Joergen Traen. The record is my fifth studio album and follows 'Science', which was released in sep 06. It seems like such a short time ago, but almost 4 years in this crazy business is a long time and I am really excited to see what happens when we release it.
Do people love it/hate it, do they think it's different, how much have things changed in regards to the way you reach out to your fans and people that might dig your stuff? The record is definitely different from what I've done before, but it's not a conscious choice or anything, it just reflects what kind of things I have been listening to and been into lately. But long before that record comes out, I hope to go on the road more in Europe and the Uk (I know, technically Uk is part of Europe, but when I speak to British people they always seem to make this distinction clear...Island people are crazy:)
Also, we will try to keep you as updated as possible and at this moment I am talking to my long time friend and film maker Rune Hagerup about documenting most of 2010 as there are a lot of things that could be interesting to get on video. Things could go to hell, things can go great...you never know.
That's it for now, pop back in to see the final mix sessions for the new album last week of feb, we will be putting snippets out almost every day,
Må berre få sagt at eg elskar låtane dine, stemma di, og deg som artist... Gler meg til neste plata kjem ut:) Stå på...eg beundrar det du gjer...
Thomas, I am a huge fan, and in Singapore. Are you performing here at all? Christine