Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Hail Brittania!

Post #1
Thomas Dybdahl - Official wroteon June 5, 2009 at 1:33pm
So here I go, the least likely guy to ever blog is finally catching up with the times. Bear with me, these thing will hopefully only get better and better as I have no clue what I´m doing. The past weeks have been very exciting for me as I am finally getting ready to release my music and start touring the UK. Except for a few one off gigs in London I have never had the chance to play there and I have to say that if these last 8 gigs are anything to go by I have some great times ahead of me.
We started our summer tour in London at a packed Borderline where we were fortunate to have Nate Campany and Susanne Sundfør as support and what a great night it turned out to be. I was nervous as hell (as I tend to be) because this was the first gig we had played as a band in over 6 months. And to be honest, I could kind of tell, but there was something to be said about the energy that comes from that kind of resting period also. And on this night I think it played to our advantage. Thanks to everyone for showing up! We moved on to play The Great Escape festival in Brighton where we ended our 3 gig stay with a show at The Duke of York Picture House. What a great place to play a solo show, lovely acoustics and seated audience! Can´t ask for more. The last week we have been lucky enough to fall in love with the English countryside, as we´ve been traveling crosscountry by rail. Newcastle, Liverpool, Bristol, Nottingham and back to London. It´s called dart booking I believe, but we had a really good time so all´s good. Back in London I played Bush Hall as support for The Duke and the King I was told. This is the night that ended in the infamous Cocoa Pops incident which I will tell you more about at some later point. I think I had fantastic evening. Bright and early next morning I headed for Kensaltown Studios where I worked with a guy called Andreas B. Olsson on a new version of an old song of mine for UK radio. Also managed to squeese in a photo shoot with photographer Derrick Santini on that day. A fantastic photographer and patient guy. (you have to be when you´re working with the worst "poser"in the world). Been working hard on my "Blue Steele" ever since. For the time being I´m back in Stavanger in Norway just hanging with the family when I´m not in the studio working. I´m waiting to get my first movie soundtrack from mastering and then I head to Oslo to do the final soundmix on the film. I´ll try to keep this blog fresh and updated as time goes by and if nothing exciting happens then I´ll just make some shit up. No, seriously. Hope you all stay well,

all the best

Thomas Dybdahl

Road Fodder:
Book(s) brought - Underground by Haruki Murakami and Freakonomics by Stephen and Steven
Albums for the road - Histoir de Melody Nelson by Serge Gainsbourgh and Empty Words for Music with Piano by John Cage
Most memorable meal - BBQ´ed burgers at Al´s place in Putney
Movies seen - Once and Spirited Away

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